
Mentoring Across Borders is waiting for your application!

15.03.2024 ABK poleca
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Mentoring Across Borders is waiting for your application!
The goal of the MAB project is to create a platform helping young people acqiuire new competences through mentoring.
Sounds interesting? Then join the program as a mentee.
Who can be a mentee?
-->People aged 18-30 who who are interested in receiving advice and guidance for their professional development
What is this program about?
  • Thanks to the https://eumentoring.eu/ platform, mentees have the opportunity to choose a mentor from over 10 countries;
  • Mentors represent various fields - sales, HR, R&D, e-commerce management, work in NGOs and many others - as well as various countries;
  • Mentoring is based on cyclical meetings for 6 months (also online).
In this process, the mentee determines the goals they want to achieve;
Do you need more details? Check out here--> https://centrumwolontariatu.pl/?page_id=260 or on the project website: https://eumentoring.eu/
Mentee application link in Polish: https://forms.gle/2hXyy9kuhMspvpKk7
Mentee application link in English: https://platform.eumentoring.eu/